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  • Reduce the need to visit the Show Office, other than to use toilet facilities if required.  Ideally, use toilet facilities in your own accommodation.



  • At the start of the day, please go directly to the Judges Box and telephone the office for any queries.

  • Social distancing must be maintained at all times whilst indoors.

  • The BS Judges app is to be used to record results.

  • Wifi will be available in all Judges Boxes.

  • Please arrive in time to collect your "picnic" lunch from the pavilion before you start.  This facility will be open at least 30 minutes from before your ring starts.

  • We are now permitted to have more than one judge in a box at a time, so we will aim to keep you in groups (cohorts) for the duration of the show to minimise the number of people that you come into contact with.  We have a supply of screens to double up on any safety measures.

  • Please ensure that only one person uses each piece of equipment each day where possible.  If that is not possible, the equipment must be sanitised between users.

  • Please sanitise your hands on arrival in the Judges Box, and before you leave.

Course Designers

  • Please arrive in time to collect your "picnic" lunch from the pavilion before you start.  This facility will be open at least 30 minutes from before your ring starts.

  • You are currently not permitted to work in the Judges Box as there are strict limits on the number of people in these areas.  Please make provisions so that course plans etc can be done at the show, perhaps in your own car or caravan.


Ring Stewards

  • All Classes will be drawn order.

  • The Showman system must be used at all times.  This is to ensure that the live link is kept up-to-date and the automatic announcements to the warm up arena are accurate.

  • When collecting sheets from the office, please use the window on the Magic Arena side of the office.  This is to reduce your exposure to other customers and to ensure that you do not have to queue.

  • All riders entering the arena will need to be “ticked off” the list on the computer.  This is to ensure the system remains up-to-date.  There will be an induction on the new system before the first show.

  • Visits to the Judges Box must be kept to a minimum.  Communication should be made using the walkie talkies or telephones where available.

Warm Up Ring Marshals

  • Current Rules are that no more than 6 people are permitted in the arena.  This is a combined number limit of riders plus any grooms etc.  

  • You will be given a whistle to use, which you must keep as this will be yours and will only be used by you.  Do not lose it.

  • Do not blow your whistle if a horse is just about to jump a fence.

  • If anyone does not respect the whistle warning, please inform the Office immediately.

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