Covid-19 Special Measures on the Showground
We are all in this together.
To keep the shows running, we must all work together to ensure that the rules are maintained to give us all a positive experience and go home safely. Follow the signage and adhere to the rules. We thank you in advance for your full cooperation in complying with our rules and implementing requests from our staff, security staff and officials on site to ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment of the show. We look forward to more events and seeing you in the future.
Before Travelling
If you, or any of your party are feeling ill, DO NOT TRAVEL. Follow the guidance: Full Guidance
Your temperature may be checked on arrival to allow access to the showground. Those who are found to have a high temperature will not be allowed access to the show. Please check your own temperature before departing to avoid making a pointless journey. If your temperature is over 37.8c DO NOT TRAVEL.
If you answer yes to any of the following questions, do not travel to the showground.
Do you have a new continuous cough?
Have you experienced a loss of, or change in sense of smell or taste (anosmia).
Are you are self isolating, due to contact with someone with symptoms, someone with confirmed Covid-19, or returning from a country known to have the virus?
Have you been asked to self-isolate by Track, Trace, Protect (TTP) or you are a contact for someone who has had a positive result?
Only travel to the showground if you are able to return home at any time during the show due to the onset of symptoms for you or anyone within your group.
Explain social distancing to anyone in your support group and limit access to stables and arenas to essential personnel only and provide the appropriate face coverings for everyone within your group.
Do not travel with anyone outside your household unless you can maintain safe social distancing (2 meters) at all times and whilst travelling.
You will be asked to supply your contact details, name address mobile and home telephone details and that of your party to enable contact tracing in the event of a positive case at the venue.
The Lorry Park
Everyone will be parked by an attendant. Failure to comply with this rule will be taken very seriously and you may be asked to leave should this be deemed necessary.
Toilets and showers on the Showground will be open and there will be enhanced cleaning. However, to minimise the risk of spreading Covid-19, we encourage all visitors to use their own toilet and shower facilities where possible.
The lorry park will be monitored by security staff to ensure compliance.
Around the Showground
Avoid coming to the Show Office. If you have any queries, please call or email the office.
During events, security staff will be deployed around the showground to monitor compliance with our rules.
If you or any of your party develop symptoms whilst on site:
Isolate within your accommodation and return home as soon as it is safe to do so.
Ask a member of your group to fetch your horses from the stables to be loaded, face coverings must be worn and social distancing must be maintained at all times.
Once you have left, inform the Show Office via telephone as soon as possible of your stable number(s) so that the necessary enhanced sanitising of your stabling can be carried out.
As soon as possible, inform the Show Office via the normal email address of your movements during the time that you were at the show and possible contacts.
Contact the NHS directly, either on NHS.UK/CORONAVIRUS or call them on 119.
During events, our food outlets will be open and will be operated in line with the prevailing government restrictions. More detailed information about this will be available nearer the date of each show.
Please bring a supply of suitable face coverings which will be of sufficient number for the duration of the show for every member of your party and in case you start to feel unwell after you have arrived.
Where toilets are available, please ensure that you sanitise your hands before and after using them and use the appropriate cleaning materials.
Do not shake hands or cwtch (hug) anyone outside of your social bubble.
Wash hand basins for hand washing can be found by the Show Office and near the new additional Medical Centre, situated underneath the Magic 2 Judges Box.
Please avoid crowding at all times. We have put measures in place to prevent this, but please remain vigilant to avoid joining groups of people.
Thoroughly wash your hands to your favourite tune for 20 seconds thoroughly dry with clean paper towels and sanitise before coming into ANY of our staffed buildings. This is done to protect our staff and others on site.
To reduce people in and around show office, prizemoney will be processed the day following the show.
Where possible, please reduce contact with our staff. This includes Officials, the Show Office team, collecting ring stewards, and catering staff. To protect our staff, please maintain social distancing at all times. If you need to speak to the judges during a class, please knock the door, and then stand back and wait for the door to be opened for you. Do not open the door yourself.
Our medical team will operate in a different manner to usual. They will not be treating conditions other than those that have occurred whilst competing at the showground. If you have a medical condition that requires treatment before you leave home, please visit your local GP. This measure is to reduce the number of people that our team make contact with, which will make everyone safer.
If you wish to “warm down” your horse after competing, you may not use the warm up arena. Please use the fields on the other side of the railway line.
If you notice something Covid-19 related that you are not happy with, please report it to a member of our staff.
Security staff / stewards will be deployed around the showground to monitor compliance with our rules.
Stables will be sprayed and cleaned before you arrive. However, we recommend bringing your own Covid Compliant disinfectant spray and single use cloths to keep stable doors and all touch points clean and safe throughout shows. Use the bins provided for disposal.
Avoid sharing materials, but if you have to, sanitise before use by other people.
Keep the number of people in the stables to a minimum, without compromising horse welfare.
All safety warnings are in English. If anyone requires information in Welsh, please contact our office.