Chepstow Summer International
Friday 22nd - Monday 25th August, 2025
Package Prices
CSI 1* - TBC
Premier Parking - £96
National Stables - £99
VIP Stables - £150 Supplement
Horse Classes
CSI 2* Big Tour (1.40m)
CSI 2* Medium Tour (1.35m)
CSI 2* Small Tour (1.30m)
CSIYH 1* 5 year Old Tour (1.10m - 1.15m)
CSIYH 1* 6 year Old Tour (1.20m - 1.30m)
CSI 1* Bronze Tour (1.05m - 1.10m)
CSI 1* Silver Tour (1.15m - 1.20m)
CSI 1* Gold Tour (1.25m - 1.30m)
CSI 1* Platinum Tour (1.35m - 1.40m)
Champagne Reception
National progressive Classes
National Class Information

International Entries
How do I enter?
Unlike our national shows, for FEI events all entries and stable bookings must go through the FEI system.
For UK Athletes, please email performance@britishshowjumping.co.uk, copying in jess@theshowground.com.
For non-UK Athletes, please email your National Federation and copy in jess@theshowground.com.
Please include the following information into your email:
- Show Name and Date of the event
- Section to be entered (ie CSI 2*)
- Rider name and FEI Number
- Horse Name and FEI Number
Please ensure all Rider and Horse registrations are up to date and valid for the year.
Following this email, you will receive a reply from our office providing you with a link for payment. Once this has been received and processed, your entries will be confirmed and show as ‘accepted’ on the FEI system.
How many Horses can each Athlete compete in each section?
CSI 2* - 3 Horses per Athlete
CSI 1* - 3 Horses per Athlete
CSI YH1* (5 & 6 Year Old’s) - 3 Horses per Athlete
Other Information
Do I need a FEI Passport for a UK FEI Show?
For FEI Events at 2* and under (including youth, amateurs and young horses) in the country of the horse’s residence (i.e UK), you can compete your horse on an FEI Registration only. To purchase the FEI Horse Registration email performance@britishshowjumping.co.uk for further assistance.
Every horse’s passport is checked at events to ensure that the horse has been vaccinated according to the FEI Veterinary Regulations, therefore all equine influenza vaccines that have been given to the horse must be recorded in the horse’s passport. Vaccinations are FEI compliant from the start (21-92 days between the first and second, no more than 7 months between the second and the third and at least annual thereafter). Please note, passports can be issued following the first two vaccinations providing that the third vaccination is able to be administered within seven months of the horse having the second vaccination. More information can be found at https://inside.fei.org/fei/yourrole/veterinarians/vaccinations
What happens when I get to an FEI show?
1. Passport Checks
- Passports will be checked on arrival for identification and vaccinations, horses proceed to stabling or trot up
- Passports will be held by the show for the duration.
- Please refer to the show schedule for the time of opening of stables.
2. Trot up (also known as Horse Inspection)
- This will take place the day before jumping commences and consists of passport checks by an FEI Vet who will also assess the horse’s health and soundness.
- Horses must be presented in a snaffle or double bridle with all boots, bandages and rugs removed.
- Horses who do not show or do not pass the trot up will not be able to compete.
- Please check the schedule for the timings.
3. Declarations
- Before 5:30pm, the evening before each competition day.
- Please note you are able to move between tours/classes (with shows consent) within a level/star, but you are unable to move levels/stars once the show has started.
- For example, you could move from the Big Tour to the Medium Tour within a 2* competition, but you are unable to move from 2* to 1*.